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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Dining at Tunk-ka Cafe

I have always loved dining with a view.  A few weeks ago, we had a special dinner in honor of one of our colleagues who would be venturing into another path. I suggested we could have our evening meal at Tunk-Ka Restaurant.

This place is situated on top of Rang Hill in Phuket and offers an extremely nice view of the town. A year ago, me and my friends went to this joint to eat but since we arrived very late in the evening, we only saw the lights of the town.

This time around, we arrived just after 6 in the evening. After making sure where  our reserved table was, we headed to the restaurant’s platform to see the stunning view. We witnessed how the sun began to fade and building lights began to dominate.

photo courtesy of Wei Wei

The soft lights served as a guide back to the main restaurant area. Such a romantic view.

Other colleagues started to come. One was Dr Rushapol, who brought a bouquet of flowers.

I forgot to take photos of the food. All  I remember was that all of us were hungry and dug into the dishes right after they were served. The team had tom yum soup, chicken in pandan leaves, and shrimps in special sauce.

photo courtesy of Wei Wei

Everyone was full and happy to bond with each other outside of the office. Times like these are special, its not most of the time that we can get together outside of work. Though we're all sad that a teammate is leaving, we're excited for her journey and adventures ahead.

Thank you and 'til next blog!

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