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Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentines!

(image taken from valentinesdayquotes2015.com)

I have been laughing with this simple quote/ joke going around in Facebook.

What is scarier?
Friday the 13th or loveless on February 14? or No salary until February 15th?

Well, I believe Friday the 13th is just superstition and our salaries do not come on the 15th of the month. I used to dread being loveless on February 14th but being single for quite a long time, I got used to it.

Sure, the endless posts of dinner dates, showers of flowers and chocolates being posted over social media from ladies with thoughtful partners sometimes gets me. But being content and thankful of what I have now and who are with me makes me grateful and happy.

To my fellow single ladies out there who have not found their good man, I say, continue to be happy with where you are right now. What is for you will find you. It might not be today or on Valentine's day but continue to be hopeful. If you desire in your heart to find a mate, pray for it and wait for it. 

I would love to share this quote from Tovares Gray in his Facebook page Godly Dating.

You are being prepared. Trust in God. For now go out with friends, treat your family, enjoy! The season of singleness may not last long. Who knows maybe tomorrow or next week you will find the one that God intended for you. 

The first and only man that has greeted me today is the man who helped bring me into this world, my father. His email greeting touched me and I am so happy. I also have an Almighty Father who greets me everyday with his love.

I believe Valentine's day is not all about having a partner to share it with. But a day to celebrate love with friends and family. I hope all of you have a great day today. Happy Valentine's day :)

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