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The world is in chaos right now. Stock markets falling down. Aviation and travels on a halt. Lots of sick people around the world especially in US, China and Italy. Businesses being forced to close down. Unemployment rates going up. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know what I mean. Novel Coronavirus or Covid 19 has swept the world by storm and turned all our lives around. We see how it is affecting us from the news on TV to Facebook and other social media platforms. What measures can one do to help fight this disease? I have listed down some ways:
1. Wash Hands = Soap molecules help with breaking down the virus membrane. We've always been taught the importance of washing hands and now is the time to really do it.
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2. Avoid touching your face - Most people touch their face once every 2 to 5 minutes. Others may be more frequent. By avoiding touching our face especially the eyes, mouth and nose, we do not introduce microorganisms direct access to our mucous membranes, thus avoiding sickness.
2. Self Isolate/ Stay at Home - people may have the disease and yet be asymptomatic. I have read tips on Facebook saying that we should think that we already have it and the right thing to do is not to pass it on to others. Staying at home would help flatten the curve or the rise of the number of people affected by the disease. This is important to give time for the scientists to find a cure and the health care workers to deal with those who are having the serious symptoms of the disease.
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3. Social Distancing - People can still go out of the house for important reasons such as getting food. or going to the GP. With this, it is essential that proper distancing should happen. The more space between persons, the harder the virus can spread. Avoid large crowds. I know that it is hard not to attend parties, go to clubs or restaurants, go to events but at this time all of us have to sacrifice. No handshakes or hugs in the meantime. Keep at least 1.5 meters between each other.
4. Follow the Governments Mandates - the government is trying its very best to help the citizens right now. They have got a lot on their hands and though they might not be able to give what all people want, it is best to follow them because they have a plan for the good of all.
5. Keep in touch with Family Members - Though this cannot be done physically at this time to those you don't live with under the same roof, for the sake of our mental health and well being, keep in touch with family and friends. All of us are scared and anxious of what is going to happen in the next few weeks. We can talk it out. We can check each other if we are okay so far and if not, is there a way to make it a bit better. I've seen Facebook groups dedicated to make sure people are able to reach out to those that need help at this trying time. I'm reading a lot of stories of kindness now and seeing there is still hope for humanity after all.
We are all in this together. Here's to hoping and praying that each one of us does our own part in containing this virus.