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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

kunanyi/ Mt Wellington 2019

For those heading to Hobart soon, kunanyi/ Mt. Wellington visit is a must on your list of things to do. The Aboriginal culture called the mountain with numerous names but the official indigenous name is kunanyi. The mountain is unmissable as it towers over Hobart City. 

On my 2nd day at Hobart, I decided to go into the visitor center to book myself a tour for Mt. Wellington. Other people would choose to drive up there but because I can't drive, I settled with a tour. I chose the one that departs at 12 noon so I could have time to explore Salamanca Market on that Saturday morning. I paid $30 for this 2 hour tour. You can also book online for these tours but I chose to rock up to the visitor center just to ask for more details and see some alternatives they could offer. 

I came to the meeting place at least 15 minutes ahead and waited for the tour bus. Then a white van pulls up with the unmissable label. The driver, who also serves as the tour guide, asked to check our confirmation slip and let us into the bus.

On the way up, he was explaining about suburbs at the foot of the mountain and how the flora on the foot of the mountain was different from the ones on top. He was also sharing a story about a forest fire that happened before that left some trees looking dead or without leaves but the fire must have not entirely destroyed the roots that is why they are still standing until now. 

When we were at the top we were informed we had 20 minutes to explore the place. This is the pinnacle area. I was able to come up there even if I was wearing  dress and sneakers. The boulders were a bit risky to climb to.

The plants on top of the mountain are shorter than that of the ones on the foot of the mountain. One of the reason is that the winds are stronger on top, and the plants in order to survive, will grow to a few centimeters only.

I also went into the observation deck where I had read more about Mt Wellington and at the same time be protected from the wind/ cold from the outside. It is said that on top of the mountain, the temperature is 10 degrees less than that of the city.

There's also a walkway outside the Observatory for those wanting to see more of the view.

After enjoying the view and reading at some helpful facts about the mountain, our tour went halfway down the mountain to an area called  the Springs for some coffee. After that, the driver/ guide took us all back to Hobart City.

I felt it was a quick trip to kunanyi/ Mt Wellington but I'm satisfied to see what is there to see. Thank you for reading and 'til next blog!

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