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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Songkran 2015

Wet and wild is one way that I can describe Songkran (most of the time). Songkran festival is Thailand's traditional New Year's day. It is celebrated from April 13 - 15. Some parts of Thailand, such as Chiang Mai, celebrate it for a week. I'm thankful that in Phuket the celebration is at its peak only on 13 April. This means becoming wet from water fights is only on this day.

The traditional water pouring is meant as a symbol of washing away all of the sins and the bad. Therefore, being able to welcome the new year with a fresh new start. 

In the past tradition, Thais would pour a bowl of water to family and friends. Later on, as the festivity is shared to tourists, it became buckets, water guns and garden hoses.

Planning to come to Thailand to celebrate Songkran soon?

Here are a few of my tips:

1.Prepare to get wet all over, literally.

Don't think that just walking on the street and signalling that you don't want to get wet can save you from getting soaked. Leave things that you don't want to get wet at your hotel safe. No part of you would be dry once you hit the streets. When you get back to your hotel, you'll feel like you swam in a big pool or something.

2. Dress comfortably but not too revealingly.

I prefer a  light sleeveless shirt and shorts while going out. Although a lot of foreigners are liberated with their clothing preferences, still keep in mind that Thais are conservative and it is their country and their festival. Some prefer to wear light long sleeved shirts or rash guards.

3. April is one, if not the most, hottest month. Don't forget to put on that sunblock.

Last year, it was so hot but because we were so soaked we did not mind the sun. We discovered we had ugly tan lines afterwards. This time, we knew better and armed ourselves with 110 SPF sunblocks sprayed all over.

4. Don't forget your water gun. Choose a big one for more ammunition content (water).

A lot of water guns with different varieties are for sale. Bigger water guns hold a lot of water and will take less frequent to refill. It also gives a better chance to squirt a lot of water in full speed. Next Songkran, I'm planning to buy a small water gun with the water contained on a back pack styled holder.

5. Take care of your money and phone by buying a waterproof pouch.

Bringing money ensures you can buy food in case you get hungry from all the fighting. Some water refills are for sale for 10 Baht per refill. Water proof pouches are for sale everywhere almost as widely as water guns.

6, Bring a water proof camera.

To record moments and videos of what you saw and what you did. I saw a man bringing his Canon SLR to where the party's at. I pitied the camera's fate.

Shoot 'em!

5. For women, be careful in very crowded areas.

A lot of men will be or have been drinking the hours before. Drunk or not drunk men will sometimes take advantage to push you over or get a chance to glance or touch private body parts.

6. Watch out for melted chalk or powder wiped on your face.

The use of chalk is very common. This originated from the monks using chalks to mark blessings.
These chalks or melted powder can have colors too. They are wiped at your face, your hair or your shoulders. Get ready to be unrecognizable after.

7. Protect your eyes. Bring sunglasses or possibly goggles.

Yeah, wearing a pair of goggles is a good idea. Sunglasses get wet inside and outside. I have, at multiple times, removed my sunglasses to wipe my face and the lens only to be thrown water on my face again. Some people target your eyes so you cannot fight back.

8. Do not drink and drive.

A lot of accidents happen during the festival. Be careful from or becoming a drunk driver. Remember to be safe and arrive home alive.

9. With friends, strategize on how to "attack".

Have a group meeting. 

Armed and ready, proceed to where the target is.

Go! Fight! Win (?) 

10. Enjoy and keep your cool.

Some people will fool you and say its ok they won't shoot you with water, but still do. Some just pour the whole bucket of iced cold water on you. And I mean literally ice cold -- you'd think you were sent to the North Pole. Just keep cool and know that everybody's just trying to have fun.

Okay, kid. Shoot me while I'm taking your photo. I'm cool. Happy Songkran!

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