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Monday, April 27, 2015

Must. Love. Dogs

I grew up with cats in our house. Fondness with cats lead us to let them sleep on our chests while watching our favorite tv shows. I can still remember we had an orange one and a black one who multiplied their race with kittens. The sad thing is, because of their agility in climbing and getting on tables, they would most often steal our food. Opting for a peaceful environment, our parents decided to give them away.

I never really loved another critter until I met Cody. My sister bought him when he was yet a puppy . He is of shih tzu - poodle breed. I can still remember the first time I went home and saw him. He was very little and cannot even jump off our plastic chair.

With great care and a tremendous amount of dog food, he gradually grew to be a fluffy and cuddly dog. His silky hair, although not that very long yet, must have let him feel hot most of the time. He would often be found standing between me and our electric fan.

A playful puppy that he is, he bit most of our cushion chairs and left them ugly and in pieces. We also bought a lot of slippers because we often had either a missing pair or a ripped sole. This led me to make a fan sign of him biting a greeting note for my sister's birthday. Notice that the paper greeting almost did not make it.

I've become more of a dog lover now. I think dogs are loyal and not hard to please. When I was yet working in Cebu, I can remember how he scratches the door even when I am just about to open the lock and get into the room. He jumps and throws himself to us when we arrive. It feels good to have a dog greeting and makes his happiness obvious.
I also found these interesting photos that I agree with and made me love dogs more.

1. They have readable facial expressions. You'll know how to easily get into their vibe. Aside from this, I can attest that dogs are sensitive to human feelings.When I was feeling down, he tried to behave and just laid close to me as if to comfort me.

image taken from iwastesomuchtime.com

2. Unassuming and not hard to please. Almost anything makes them happy. As simple as having you around makes them high already.

image from pixshark.com

3. They have such a happy disposition. Watch how the kitty's expression makes you cringe.

image from jokideo.com

4. This made me laugh hard. Bathing a dog still leaves them cute.

image taken from 9gag.com

Aside from my family, I miss Cody too.Well, he is also considered family anyway. I hope to walk him in the park, just like my sister did, when I get home soon.

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