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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Towards A Drug-Free Philippines

It's really interesting to follow the Philippines' local news nowadays. I really did not know that the drug trade is already a big and serious problem until now. I understand there were a few pushers and addicts that the police caught before but did not realize that high ranking officials like Generals and Mayors are allegedly behind  its evil proliferation in the country.

image taken from conceptnewscentral.com

Now that the fierce President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is in office, some (if not most) drug addicts are surrendering to the authorities. This is because they fear of their lives and because they know that sooner or later, their secrets would be out in the open. It was reported that around 4,000 drug users, runners and pushers surrendered in Davao Del Norte last week. I'm happy that they heeded to the warning that our dear President has given. Almost every day, the news is all about a lot of drugs being caught by the police or drug related deaths. 

 image taken from dailystormer.com

According to ABS CBN News Research, there has been 339 deaths related to drugs since 10 May 2016. The Commission of Human Rights is alarmed of this number. I honestly think this department does not do their job well and should get their act together. They fight more towards the human rights of the criminals instead of focusing on the victims. The real victims are the youth who have been badly influenced and the people who were murdered by drug addicts. I believe those pushers and drug addicts and maybe even criminals gave up their human rights when they did their crimes. I understand that the death rates are alarming and people in position are afraid for the safety of the people. However, on the other hand, what if these killings are also done by their fellow drug pushers to silence and cover up their deeds. With their comrades out of the way, who can pinpoint them as guilty? Who can testify that they are very much active with the trade? 

The President also bared the names of retired and active police generals who he said were involved in illegal drugs. Of course and as expected, no general owned up to it. Just like a famous Filipino saying, no thief will admit to stealing. Senator De Lima, who was then Secretary of Justice, challenged the President to bare out the big fishes names. Well, this is just the start. I've read the President will gradually inform the people of the names of the officials that protected and are involved with this serious drug problem.

President Duterte has only been in the office for almost 2 weeks and it seems that he has already done a lot. I am amazed on how these came to be especially that the previous President allegedly has a copy of the list of persons involved. I'm praying for the safety of President Duterte as he has opened this Pandora's box. I think there is still a long way to go before this problem is cleared out as I've read in the news that Chinese and also Mexican drug dealers have been operating in the country already. 

I'm praying this will pave the way for a Drug-Free Philippines and a brighter future for the Filipino youth and the whole nation. I hope we can all be  #partnerforchange.

image taken from www.imgrum.net

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