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Saturday, January 31, 2015

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Today, my aunt shared to me an inspiring verse. 

image from hamiltoncog.org

Let me tell you about what happened with me and my friends last week. We have been planning to go to the capital, Bangkok, because they have to get some important documents. I wanted to accompany them since I haven't been there before.

image from wikipedia

Last Thursday, we have received news from our HR that one of my friend's passport is still being processed by the Labor office. This was the first obstacle we had. Airport officials would ask one's passport for identification, but as it would be a domestic flight we thought it would be ok for her to show her driver's license. We thought this obstacle was conquered.

Before we booked for a flight, we searched for a cheap hotel in the city center or near a train station. The go-to hotels we know of were already fully booked. I considered this another obstacle or sign that maybe we should not be going. It took us hours before we can find one online that we somehow like.  Since we now have a target hotel, we now have to book for flights.

We have a discounted rate from one of our company's partner airline. The office of this airline was supposed to be closed at 1730H. We went to the office and was surprised that they were already closed! The time was still 1650H. We were surprised and upset. Eventually, we decided to give up the idea of travelling for the weekend.

image from ideachampions.com

We thought to ourselves that maybe God was giving us signs/ obstacles not to go. I have always been taught that we can only see what is ahead however God sees what is beyond the bend. Had we forced ourselves to go, worst things might befall on us.

I would also like to share a story from the Our Daily Bread dated 29 January. The story is in the book of Numbers 22: 10-34.

image from biblebios.com

There was a man named Balaam who was offered a profitable assignment from a neighboring king, he inquired of God for permission to accept it. When God said no, the king's representatives made a better offer. Thinking God might change His mind, Balaam asked again. God granted permission for Balaam to go with them but with strict conditions. God knew Balaam's heart was not pleased with Him, so He placed His angel on the way. Balaam couldn't see the Angel but his donkey could. When the donkey refused to continue, Balaam became angry with the animal for blocking his progress.

Balaam's story teaches us that not every obstacle is meant to be overcome. Some are placed by God to keep us  from doing something foolish. When our plans are hindered, we should not assume that it's Satan trying to stop us. It might be God trying to protect us. (Julie Ackerman Link)

To conclude my story, me and my friends decided not to fret. Instead, we accepted that maybe it was not the time for us to visit the city. We just hope and pray to do so soon. :)

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