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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Philippine Presidential Debate 2016

Last Sunday 24 April 2016, I bet most and if not all Filipinos were glued on their television screens to watch for the final Philippine Presidential Debate. 5 candidates vying for the country's highest position were in one stage to discuss their platforms and answer critical and current issues in the Philippines. Although I am currently abroad, local news media as well as Facebook and You tube has been a great instrument for me as well as my colleagues to know and watch it live. I was able to witness it as if I am in my country.

Never have I seen the Filipino people clamor for a better change and good governance. Maybe I am just on Facebook too much. I'm sad to note that almost half of the country is still not connected to the internet. Those on the far flung mountains will still hear news on the radio or the television and the medias biases on a certain candidate. I'm disappointed to see such a well known television broadcasting company side with another candidate and erroneously quoted another candidate of his responses during the debate.

This election will be a tough one. I just hope it's not a bloody one. Every Filipino has the right to vote, I just wish they be true to their hearts and not be swayed by the black propaganda nor the bribery that traditional politicians have been doing over the years. It's really time for the Philippines to rise up from the grips of these corrupt politicians. I'm continuously praying and looking forward that #changeiscoming. 

Thank you and 'til next blog!

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